Intec Investigations
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Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Privacy

Intec Investigations (Windsor) Ltd. strives to comply with the guidelines set outunder the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Our commitment to the legislation is entrenched in our Privacy Policy and Procedures. As a member of the Council of Private Investigators- Ontario, we subscribe to the CPIO Model Code of Personal Information Privacy, which can be accessed at Our dealing with Clients necessitates the collection and storage of Personal and Corporate information in order to assess your ongoing service needs, correspond and to keep you informed of Industry developments as well as to undertake our daily operations.With respect to Individuals, Personal Information will only be collected after first identifying the purpose for which it is to be collected. We collect Personal Information to facilitate the investigation of contraventions of the law or breaches of agreement and to verify information provided to our clients. We will collect such information using lawful means. Personal Information will not be disclosed or shared with other parties without your consent except in accordance with section 7 of PIPEDA S.C. 2000, c. 5. Some sources from which we access information when conducting an investigation for an approved reason include:

  • Consumer and Credit Organizations.
  • Defence Counsel and related professionals.
  • Past and present employers.
  • Public Resources.

Paper and Electronic Documents are securely stored and only accessed by approved individuals. Personal information will be properly destroyed once it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected.We are committed to providing a high level of service and will do our utmost to ensure that your information is accurate and up to date. We have appointed a Privacy Officer who is responsible for monitoring information collection, employee education and data security as well as responding to requests for access or to correct and update personal information that we hold about you. Lawful exemptions where your request may be denied may include:

  • When information was collected without consent for purposes related to the detection and prevention of fraud or a contravention of the law or another lawful exemption.
  • Disclosure may reveal personal information about or threaten the security of another individual.
  • Confidential commercial information may be revealed.
  • Circumstances where solicitor-client privilege exists.
  • Where information was generated during the course of a formal dispute resolution process.
We will do our best to respond in a timely manner and take the necessary steps to resolve any issue. Our policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure compliance with the PIPEDA Act. Please address any questions, complaints or concerns related to Personal Information collection or storage to our Privacy Officer at our office by telephone, email or mail.

Intec Investigations
5060-219 Tecumseh Road East
Windsor, Ontario N8T 1C1

Proudly Serving Southwest Ontario including: Windsor, London, Chatham, Essex, Leamington, Sarnia
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Ontario Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Canadian Association of Special Investigations Units CPIO